Monday, 7 December 2015

The boy inside every Man

When a boy gets married, his whole life changes. He is surrounded by responsibilities that he may not know. He transitions from a BOY to a MAN. He grows up. Here is a beautiful note about the Sweet little boy that lives inside every man.

I always wonder, why does society look at married men differently? He might be working hard to run his family,he might be wearing a formal dress that makes him look married. But, a 6 figure salary and his a worried look does not make him a man.
He might be still learning how to protect and provide not only his wife and children, but his parents and siblings as well as it is what society expects him to do, he might not want to be always asked "Where is your wife?"

Marriage doesn't suddenly turn a little boy into a man.
For a matter of fact having kids does not necessarily do the same either.
Celebrate the child within him. He is not a potential rapist. He may be anyone: your brother, friend, father or any stranger walking by.

He is not supposed to be responsible for in numerous things or countless responsibilities put on him by society.

He is not responsible to always protect you from everything.
He is not your go to person for all your troubles in life.
He is not the shoulder for you to cry on. 
He is not an ATM machine for you ready to mint money for all your unrealistic demands.
He is not responsible for maintaining anyone for life.

Let the little boy live in him ever....
Let him go out and play his favourite sports with his friends.
Let him go out with them in the bar and have beer.
Let him take long leaves without having to worry about family and enjoy a trip to Thailand.
Let him enjoy the company of his parents.

Grow up but do take your time guys and and please let that little boy live within you forever. Do not worry about any responsibilities. This is what women with "little girls" living inside them do as well and as per equality, you too need to stay away from responsibilities and enjoy life to the fullest without bothering about anyone. 

And for all my female friends, cherish him, spoil him, free him from all responsibilities and most importantly Do Not threaten him with false cases in order to control him ... He was not born to protect and provide for everyone. It is his sense of responsibility that makes him do so... :)

Sunday, 22 November 2015

An Open letter to Indiatimes on a knee jerk reaction!

Dear Indiatimes 
( because at least you dared to raise issues faced by men even if for a short time),

What just happened Indiatimes? Why this always happens that whether in society or in the court room or whenever there is any argument involving a man and a woman. A woman cries or shouts something at the top of her voice and lo and behold, the issues concerning men are swept under the carpet, all sympathy goes towards the woman and prejudice against the man starts!!

Let's check out your pointers once again with relevant information...

1. “According to IPC 497, A man can be jailed for adultery, a woman can never.”

Section 497 states 

“Adultery.—Whoever has sexual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another man, without the consent or connivance of that man, such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape, is guilty of the offence of adultery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine, or with both. In such case the wife shall not be punishable as an abettor.”

I would like to ask here, where is it mentioned about any husband or wife being tried for adultery? The point clearly states that under this section, only A MAN can be jailed but a woman can never be punished !! What made you feel guilty Indiatimes?? Please don't be, because the highest judicial authority has the same observation...

2. “98% of the cases field under IPC 498A (Dowry Law) are false.”

For the people with deep knowledge of law and some feminists who support the misuse of this draconian law, I agree that 498A is a law to address cruelty by husband and his family. But most "husband's" family or any common man who does not have knowledge about such laws will call it as "The Dowry Law". Nothing wrong in using common man's language when you write for them, isn't it??

Secondly, may be the figure mentioned (98%) is a bit higher, but if one looks at the National Crime Record Bureau figures, every year at an average for all cases disposed off, around 87% cases result into acquittals. This means there is no evidence of any cruelty found in such cases. But, even though one gets acquittal, the endless sufferings faced by the man and his family is irreversible. 

Many lose their jobs, get badly beaten by Police officials, face jail, their earnings are lost( court fees + lawyer fees ), lose their old parents ( humiliation faced by society due to these false cases ) and yes! many resort to suicide unable to take it any more!! But, does anyone care?? No, is it because he is a man in so called patriarchal society with "Male Privilege" and thus deserves it??

Even Supreme court of India went ahead to call the misuse of this IPC section as "Legal Terrorism" calling for police to follow Section 41A of CrPC and get nod from magistrate before arresting anyone under this section.

And I do not think Supreme court will call a law as draconian for just 6% misuse. There lies more to it than that.
In Supreme court's own words for criminal case 1277 of 2014 ( Arnesh Kumar vs State of Bihar judgement).

But, still we have seen illegal arrests being made on mere verbal accusation of a woman to harass husbands and their families. And yes, such families also have women: A mother, a sister, etc who are not considered a woman by feminists and society and people who write posts to demean men.

Many women resort to file additional non bailable offences on male members (section 354 in general for molestation of women) of the family to ensure arrests are made and harassment is done to such an extent that the husband's family bows down under pressure.

Another point to be noted is, in case of theft, murder, kidnapping, dacoity, etc either something is clearly stolen or a dead body is found or a person goes missing, etc. But, in the case of 498A, without any such obvious incident, just on mere words of a woman cases are filed on husband and his family. Thus, comparing 498A with other IPC sections is not justified.

3. “Every Nine Minutes a Married Man is Committing Suicide in India.”

Lets go deeper into the suicide statistics to understand men's suicides. We will use NCRB data for 2013 as our reference.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

  • As per Figure 2,Suicide of men (90453) more than double the number of suicides by women (44256). Why? Society pressure, unfair laws, ungrateful society? The list is big.
  • The world suicide figure as per WHO report is 8 lakhs and out of that Indian men account for 90000, a staggering 11.25%!! Still no support system for men and no studies done to find out the cause. On the contrary when someone dares to list out articles on men's issues, some people start negative criticism leading to demeaning of men's issues!!
  • If we look at the figure 3, we can clearly see that till the age of 14, men's and women's suicide stats are similar and very less. As the age progresses the figure for men's suicide increases and the difference between men's and women's suicide widens astronomically! Analysis tells us that this is due to tremendous increase in responsibility and pressure on men but zero support system for men in this society. And biased laws adds fuel to the fire.
  • As per figure 3, Illness is the reason for 17530 men committing suicide in the year against 8896 women. This clearly tells us that men are more likely to commit suicide on falling ill. Major reasons of such illness are: the inhuman conditions where mostly men work like coal mines, dusty areas, nuclear plants, etc leads to men falling terminally ill. Also, when a man falls ill, he tries to hide it, ignore it, because he knows that all the responsibility of his family is on him and he can ill afford to take leaves as even a day's leave can greatly damage the budget of the house leading his family in a mess. Thus the pressure to maintain the family along with the pain caused due to disease leads to suicide of many men.
  • Bankruptcy, Professional career problem, unemployment related suicides by men are directly related to the pressure of responsibility put by the so called patriarchal society on a man. What a male privilege to have!
  • Now, as per the same figure if we still only consider the family problems as parameter for suicides, the figure comes to 21096 for the year. Which is still a MAN committing suicide every 23 minutes due to family problems!!! I think this would still not affect your learned readers who do not feel men's suicide as any reason to bother at all.... Male privilege you see!! 

4. “98% of Domestic Violence cases registered against men are fake”

Domestic violence law is a law similar to 498A, brought in to harass men farther this time financially as well. This is more of a redundant law which actually should not have any existence. The conviction rate is even less than other cases ( mere 2%) which shows the gross misuse of this law. 
This news article of 2010 will give an idea of the conviction rates in DV cases.

Now, many of your dear readers might cry fowl and acquittal doesn't mean not guilty and blah...blah... But let us look at a recent judgement by Madras high court on misuse of DV cases. The judge's own words suggests for Gender neutral DV laws to protect men from DV by women.
"Nowadays, filing cases under the Domestic Violence Act by female members has become common. A neutral and unprejudiced law is needed to protect the genuine victims of domestic violence, irrespective of gender."

 "The notable flaw in this law is that it lends itself to such easy misuse that women will find it hard to resist the temptation to 'teach a lesson' to their male relatives and will file frivolous and false cases,"

Delhi court fines woman 1 Lakh Rupees for misusing DV act.

Another good article in IBN Live on misuse of DV and 498A.

About NFHS, I would only like to state a few points:

  1. NFHS ever, I mean EVER and NEVER has collected data on DV against men. Ohh!! So your esteemed reader was looking for an 'unbiased' data. Good - NFHS is the place.
  2. For a loosely worded DV Act where calling you brother-in-law a 'saala' could be considered DV, your reader is talking about data. First have a biased and Anti Male law and when it is grossly misused, talk about Data which is 'biased' in totality?
  3. What's the background of 40% NFHS claim? Did your esteemed reader bother to check the background of this 40%. NO. The questionnaire of NFHS asks, "Has you Husband ever screamed at you?". If that's the question asked to each child for his parents and for every Husband about his wife, NFHS will get 100% as result. So any guesses, why NFHS left men out of survey and the reader referred to NFHS only? If you still don't get it, "Good Night"!!

5. "In India, Criminal Lawyers have a template of IPC 498(A) ready. They just change the names of family members, and a FIR is ready." 

This is a fact that such templates are available for women to file made up cases to save time and energy of such women!!

There are cases where women have asked for the child's custody in their petition where as their was no children yet from the wedlock!

Some filed molestation case on brother in law, where as the husband has no brother!!

The reason is simple, in hurry, they did not get time to remove the inapplicable statements from the already available templates.
 Anyways, we will not debate this topic further as a misuse is a misuse whether done with the help of a template or without and such unscrupulous women need to be punished...  period!

6. “According to IPC 354 any woman can send a man behind bars by a simple verbal allegation.”

The most famous ( or infamous ) and draconian law against men. Whether it is section 354A or 354A(1) or any other, A woman can on a mere statement from her ensure that an innocent man is put behind the bars.
And please! No statement whether sexually coloured or normal is even required to do so. A guy has an argument with a girl, she wants to teach him a lesson and there she is off to the police station. 

We are all well aware of the infamous Sarvjeet Singh incident in New Delhi.

Next comes to mind is the Rohtak incident where two innocent boys lost the very important opportunity to get into the Indian Army due to the so called "Brave-hearts". Again that's patriarchy for you. Male privilege they say!! 

7. 53.2% of rape cases filed against men are false.

This percentage is coming straight from the books of DCW (Delhi Commission for Women).

 We all know that the figure is much higher than that. Around 73% (NCRB data) people get acquitted in rape cases each year at an average.  This is even after feminists and other activists are hanging like swords over honourable courts putting pressure on them to anyhow increase the conviction rates in Rape cases!!
In fact, there are many erroneous judgement where innocent people are convicted and put behind bars for minimum 7 years. Their life is just spoiled in minutes!!

After 2012, rape laws were made stronger. This marked a sudden increase in no of rape cases reported. Most of them turned out to be fake i.e. consensus sex made into a rape case.

Even Supreme court expressed concern.

A Delhi court even went on to say that a person accused of rape should be called "Rape case survivor" if acquitted.

On the contrary, when a man is raped by a woman ( i.e. tries to have sex with a man without consent or by using force/ blackmailing) he gets no relief from the law. Irony for a so called patriarchal society and so much for male privileges. Phew!!  

8. If a wife decides not to cook, and to eat at a restaurant the man cannot afford, he can be barred under the Domestic Violence Act for “not providing food”.

9. A man cannot prevent his wife from meeting her lover. If he does, he can be charged under the Domestic Violence Act.

These points indicate that laws like 498A and PWDVA are so vaguely written, anything and everything under the sun can be converted to a violence.

Remaining silent can be domestic violence, 

Shouting can be violence,

Name calling can be violence. 

But! only by a man on a woman. Where as if a woman even hits the man, the same is not accepted as domestic violence by our society or laws.
Why?? Because our law makers never realise that men can also be victims of DV!! There is no law to protect men. There was never ever a need felt to capture data regarding DV on men as I stated earlier. When such a survey was done in UK, it was found that 40% victims of DV are men! But here NFHS never bothered to have one! Another example of male privilege for you!

Even the women helpline in India get sizable calls from men who find nowhere to go.

DCW chief had to finally accept that Men are also victims of domestic violence and something needs to be done about it too!!

Thus we can clearly see the message, follow whatever your wife/Girlfriend says whether right or wrong or else face one of these draconian laws!!

Other than this, I would like to make mention of the IPC section 304B, where if a married woman dies with in 7 years of marriage, the husband is automatically termed guilty and remains guilty till he proves otherwise. Where as, if a husband dies, there is no such act to make a wife guilty. 

It is unfathomable why criticising unscrupulous and biased laws becomes slandering all women. No one said all women bad, but it is important that the ones that are bad be criticised and punished to stop farther wrong.. This is the only way we have equality... Period!!

On behalf of Men.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Gender Equality: Do men get a fair deal?

Gender equality is a term which we hear a lot about every day. From all corners of the world, there is demand to follow gender equal behavior and laws. As per the feminists, women all around the world were once a highly oppressed class. There were no voting rights given to women, they did not have a say in the decisions made in the house, they could not go out and work, etc. Then the first of wave of feminism arose, which focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. This was a good move which then went a long way to provide some basic equal rights to women. But as the feminist movements advanced, each and every aspect of life was being targeted in favor of women to achieve gender equality. But is this gender equality giving men a fair deal?

As per Men's rights groups around the globe, now a days, the opinion that we are staying in a patriarchal society is a complete myth. By saying that we are staying in a male dominated society, we are indirectly just trying to instill a feeling of guilt inside an ordinary man. What this does is to make a man feel that a woman’s right is more important than his own. And this way, men stop bothering about their own rights and in turn gets manipulated to a large extent by feminist ideologies. This dents the confidence and self respect of men big time. This is a very sad truth. Men cannot tell their problems openly as compared to women due to the fact that they are made fun of by common people and thus men commit suicides at a much higher rate than women. But sensitivity towards men’s issues is absolutely minimal.

This statement does not look like a made up story when we see the NCRB data for suicides in India. As per NCRB data, around 80000 men committed suicide in the year 2012 against around 40000 women. The number is double the number of women committing suicide.

So, are men’s issues really ignored where as we are quite sympathetic about women’s issues?
Feminist groups and women organizations deny this theory point blank. They say that they just want to ensure that women get their rights and for that to happen, they need a helping hand. Women have been oppressed in this country for years and they need our special care and attention to come out and be independent and strong.

On discussing the same with Men's rights activists, they said that they do not have any issues with women fighting for their rights but trying to achieve rights at the cost of another person’s rights cannot be acceptable. There are innumerable evidences around us where we can clearly see the discrimination.

“We are very sensitive to women who are harassed by their in laws, but we never even blink an eye when we hear a man getting harassed in the hands of wives or in laws. On many occasion, the husband is beaten up by goons sent by the in laws, but still no sympathies and support for men. If this is what we get from equality, then we completely condemn such equality!”

Providing some more information on what is happening at a grass root level. Mudit (name changed) from Rajasthan got hold of a class 7 Social science text book. There were a lot of chapters condemning the “Male dominated society” and terming men guilty for the oppression of women directly and indirectly.

An entire chapter has been allocated towards women and their achievements but none for men.

“This type of things taught at such a young age makes a deep impression on the male child’s psyche. They start believing themselves guilty of all the atrocities done on women, where as they never ever were even born when anything like that was happening! Also, these things make a male child believe women to be superior to them and thus many times dent their confidence badly. Being made to feel guilty conscious, they start believing that they need to adjust to make the ladies feel comfortable. Even if a girl/woman is wrong, they feel the need to keep quiet to compensate for something which they have never ever done and in turn they quietly get harassed themselves.” says Mudit.

“These attributes become deeply rooted inside and becomes stronger as they grow up. Now, they start feeling ashamed for crimes against which has never been done by them. We can see videos where men apologize on behalf of some XYZ person who committed a crime against women. This in turn damages the image of men drastically. This is a vicious cycle and feminization of men starts as early as the moment they join schools. This is a case of serious concern as men themselves turn against getting equality for fellow men.” added Mudit.

Fake cases of rape and dowry are also rising at a rampant rate. As per NCRB data for Delhi, only 23% rape cases are turning into actual conviction. Rest 77%, either complainant turns hostile, or is a case of sex with promise of marriage, eloped couples, etc.

These figures are very alarming. More and more girls are grossly misusing the laws made for their safety. Whenever a woman cries rape, she gets lot of sympathy from all over the country. They even get some benefits from the government to compensate for the tragedy. But, just imagine the fate of a guy implicated with a fake rape case. He loses respect, loses his job, is arrested for a good number of days and also sometimes loses his parents who die out of shock. Stones are thrown on him, dirty language used by people on him. People don’t want to mix with them because he is considered a rapist. And the saddest part is that this continues even if the guy is acquitted. Nobody is ready to accept that fact that the court has cleared him. His entire life is spoiled by one fake case, but no compensation is provided. Such is the travesty of justice!

A men’s right activist from Bangalore added” Whenever we hear any female celebrity involved in sex rackets or prostitution, sympathy pours in for her and people are ready to totally ignore her condemnable deed. They even question media for showing her face in public. Whereas when a mere rape allegation is put on male celebrity, the same bunch starts making highly derogatory comments on him and starts terming him as criminal. Why such double standards?”

The other side of this is something very unheard of. Men are also sexually harassed by men or also women! But, this is much more grossly unreported than female rapes because men are supposed to be lucky to have sex with a girl even if by force or are laughed at by society and become a source of many jokes made on them.

Recently as per US magazine Times report on March 25, 2014, New study says it's possible for women to rape men. 18% of surveyed guys say women used physical force to make them have sex against their will. This study challenges some widely held assumptions about coercion, sexual assault and gender. According to a paper published in the American Psychological Association journal, Psychology of Men and Masculinity43% of high school and college-aged men say they have had “unwanted sexual contact,” and 95% of those say a female acquaintance was the aggressor. Researchers surveyed 284 young men and found that 18% reported sexual coercion by force, 31% said they were verbally coerced sex, and 26% said they’d experienced “unwanted seduction by sexual behavior.” Half of those surveyed said they ended up having sex against their will, 10% said sex was attempted, and 40% said the coercion resulted in fondling or kissing.

Thus, male rape does not look like far-fetched idea at all. According to NCRB 2012 data, 175 men have been kidnapped and abducted for the purpose of illicit intercourse since 2009. The cases have been registered under Sec.363 to 369, 371 to 373 of Indian Penal Code (IPC). Men too are vulnerable is evident from another disturbing statistic. The NCRB report also shows that since 2009, 995 men were either kidnapped or abducted for forceful marriage. NCRB data further shows that 115 men were kidnapped for the purpose of prostitution. Most of the kidnappings and abductions of men for the purpose of getting sexual favor have been reported within 18 to 30 years and 30 to 50 years age group.

Men are again on the receiving end here in terms of equality. Sexual assault on men is not at all considered seriously and no sympathy for such victims.
Other than rape law, other laws like Dowry law or 498A, Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act, Maintenance, etc. are also being grossly misused by many women.
Recently a bench in Supreme Court laid out guidelines to stop automatic arrests in dowry cases. Writing the judgment for the bench, Justice Prasad said there had been a phenomenal increase in dowry harassment cases in India in the last few years. "The fact that Section 498A is a cognizable and non-bailable offence has lent it a dubious place of pride amongst the provisions that are used as weapons rather than shield by disgruntled wives," he said. "The simplest way to harass is to get the husband and his relatives arrested under this provision. In a quite number of cases, bed-ridden grand-fathers and grand-mothers of the husbands, their sisters living abroad for decades are arrested," he said. The bench quoted "Crime in India 2012 Statistics" published by National Crime Records Bureau to say that nearly 2 lakh people were arrested in India in 2012 under Section 498-A, which was 9.4% more than in 2011.

"Nearly a quarter of those arrested under this provision in 2012 were women i.e. 47,951 which depict those others and sisters of the husbands were liberally included in their arrest net. Its share is 6% out of the total persons arrested under the crimes committed under Indian Penal Code. It accounts for 4.5% of total crimes committed under different sections of penal code, more than any other crimes excepting theft and hurt," it said.

"The rate of charge-sheeting in cases under Section 498A is as high as 93.6%, while the conviction rate is only 15%, which is lowest across all heads. As many as 3,72,706 cases are pending trial of which on current estimate, nearly 3,17,000 are likely to result in acquittal," the bench said illustrating the misuse of Section 498A as a tool to harass husband and his relatives.

Mr Surendra (name changed) narrated his experience, “I was married to this girl a year ago. I asked her if she had any affairs with anyone, to which she coolly replied negative. But, just 5 days after our marriage, she just ran away with all jewelry. After reaching her father’s house, she filed a domestic violence complaint and marriage annulment. After that i traced her calls and found that she had illicit affair with a guy in her maternal place and she used to talk to him for hours together.”

Another victim of fake case Mr Ramesh (name changed) said, “I was very happy with my marriage and did a lot for my wife. But one fine day was shocked when a guy stopped my bike and warned me that if I don’t spend more money on “his girlfriend”, he will “punish me”. Afterwards when I got the recordings of a few calls of my wife, I was just near tears. I could clearly hear them having personal conversations as if they were a couple. She even used to bring him to my house in my absence as told to me by my neighbors. After a few days, she filed a DV case on me and left my house. Her intention is to leave after squeezing a good amount from me and start a life with the other guy. Even after being harassed by my wife, I did not have any law or government body to support me and on the contrary, she filed case against me doubling my sufferings. Where will men like me go to seek justice? ”

In many other incidents as told by victims, mostly the girls misbehaved badly with her husband and her in laws, some went on to hit old parents in laws with slippers. Their demand was to separate from the in laws and live with her parents. The girl’s parents were supposed to be completely supporting their daughter’s demands. Thus, girl’s family’s interference and support seemed to be a major cause of breaking of families. But again we have an intriguing question, are equal rights given to men? When it is said that it is a male dominated society or patriarchy, then why are men having no rights or laws for their safety? Are men an ignored section of the society?

Partha Sadhukhan from Bangalore did some analysis on UNESCO data, the following tables taken from recent UNESCO report clearly depicts that Boy’s education is coming down –

Please note the increased GPI in 2011 and more enrollment of girls for pre-primary education.

The point to be noted here is that lesser number of boys intake in 2011 compared to the year 1999 and a substantial increase in GPI (F/M). This shows that currently the main issue is the girls are sent to school while the boys are kept out of the school, which is very alarming.

Activists agree with this statement. “Government is concentrating on girl child’s education, women friendly laws, women’s safety, etc. The plans and laws can easily be gender neutral and men’s safety is a bigger concern as men are more prone to crimes in India. But even after men contributing more than 80% of the tax money, are treated as second class citizens." 

More and more laws are being made to harass men. Now, should men work for the betterment of the country or spend time and resources fighting fake cases against themselves? Now, Govt is trying to bring an amendment to marriage laws where after 3 years of separation, divorce can be filed on the ground of IrBM or Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage. But, only women have been given the right to oppose it and also can get 50% of the husband’s property and his inherited and inheritable property as well. This is clearly a violation of section 14 of the constitution of India which states no discrimination can be done against anyone on basis of cast, creed, religion or gender. Also, this is law is looking forward to penalize only men for a broken marriage. Wives only stand to gain from it as she bags all of her husband’s property in her kitty. Her and her inherited and inheritable properties have no mention in the laws. These are gross injustice to men and society as a whole. Marriage has become a punishment for men. In the future more men will skip marriages and start having Civil Unions in the lines of USA and this in turn will mark the end of Indian culture and society completely.

Men’s right activists are campaigning vigorously for changing/scrapping existing and against bringing new women friendly laws. They also demand the formation of a Men’s body in the lines of National Commission of Women.

“There are government bodies for women, animals and anything you can imagine, but no commission for men. Are men so unwanted? Where is equality?” is the intriguing question here.

But many people have different thought, they think that situation is improving, only thing that it is a slow procedure. Supreme Court recently termed section 498A as “Legal Terrorism” and has stopped automatic arrests. 
Many women also understand the violation of men’s rights and have joined in fighting for men’s rights. They too understand that to have a sane society, everyone needs to have equal rights.

People need to understand that fighting for women’s rights does not mean violating men’s rights. To have a healthy society, the need of the hour is to understand and give importance to each other’s rights and issues.