As the clock struck 8:30 PM on 8th November 2016, the whole country was stunned when Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech was aired on various channels. The speech was on discontinuation of 500 and 1000 Rs notes from midnight. People were shocked beyond imagination with this sudden unexpected step.
Most people were supporting the PM wholeheartedly as this giant step ensured that the following evils are tackled from immediate effect:
1. Black Money.
2. Corruption.
3. Fake Currency.
4. Terrorism.
These evils have been eating away our nation from last few years. People were fed up of these and were desperate for measures to tackle the same. This decision was like rains after a long stint of hot summer weather for them. But there were quite a few silent offenders who were gravely affected by this step, people practicing corruption and stashing huge amount of unaccounted money, people who evaded taxes, people trying to use counterfeit notes and terrorists.
Apart from these, there is another name group which stands out here. The FEMINISTS. Not only they are habitual offenders stashing black money with them, but also they evade taxes, support terrorism and are outright Anti-Nationals.
It can well be said that Feminism is more dangerous than the other evils mentioned above. It not only involves the other mentioned evils within itself, but creates a support for itself among people using victim-hood and gaining sympathy. It then spreads like a virus and creates ruckus in the society. Though they project their main aim as protecting women's rights, but they are actually least bothered about anyone's rights and have certain hidden agendas. Women's rights just forms their desperately needed veil.
In the background, they just seek money from any left-liberal organisations and NGOs and promote their agenda.
Some of the agendas driven by feminists in India are:
1. Creating a gender bias by focusing on one sided laws and thus creating a Civil war like scenario. This is to weaken the social fabric of the nation and thus weaken the nation itself.
2. Supporting Maoism, Terrorism in the name of freedom. Spread Anti National ideology among people. Some examples listed below, where they openly supported JNU, Condemned the hanging of terrorist Afzal Guru and supported separation of Kashmir from India.
Why JNU is a feminist issue? (Feminists link to JNU issue).
5. Missionary Work.
6. Selectively hinder growth in the name of Environment or Social Activism. The main reason why Indian Govt decided to keep watch on such NGOs.
Most the money received by them for these purposes are foreign funded and most of their NGOs are regular offenders of the FCRA rules. These funds are stashed in and are used to promote their unscrupulous agenda.
Recently, the Government had initiated a crackdown on Foreign NGOs supporting feminism and funded by them in India. The main reason stated was that they worked against the country's economic progress and public interests. The second reason being that multiple accounts were being opened to use foreign donations without informing the authorities.
Examples of certain NGOs under scanner of Modi Govt:
1. Greenpeace and Ford Foundation: Read More.
2. Lawyers Collective by Indra Jaisingh : Read More.
( Also read the tracking of the feminist funding by the MaleFactor here. )
Now, coming back to this bold and huge step taken by the Modi Government has left the Feminists fuming. Their sources of huge amount of black money has been stalled. Also, as this step affects terrorism by curbing their funding, it can be called an indirect attack again on feminism. Now, they might all be at a loss on how to convert all their black money into white.
And to add to all this, we have a wonderful result in the 2016 US elections where Donald J. Trump has comprehensively beaten big time feminist candidate Hillary Clinton 276-218. This has infuriated feminists all over to a huge extent and left them Red Faced as this had been categorically marked as a huge defeat for feminist ideologies in USA.